Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Four years ago then Senator Barack Obama visited the Middle East and then went to Berlin. Here's the reception he got ...

The UK's had this to say about then Senator Obama and how he was received in Germany:
If the intended message was to show American voters that he could restore the tarnished image of the US abroad, then the rally - the only such event in his overseas tour - succeeded.

You can watch the entire speech that Sen. Obama gave in Berlin by clicking here.

Fast forward four years later. Two days after arriving in London British officials were saying that Romney's visit was "a 'total car crash'" and that "he was 'worse than Sarah Palin'." 

Another official who met with Romney bluntly said he was "apparently devoid of charm, warmth, humour or sincerity." If you're wondering how this gets into the papers here's a short list of Romney's London gaffes ...

After insulting the British Romney then went out of his way to kiss the Israeli's rear ends, but succeeded in insulting the Palestinians along the way (and, it appears, the Mexicans too; 19:21 BST). 

Well, at least Romney didn't screw up in front of big crowds in Poland when he laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (kind of hard to when no one is there to watch) ... 

However, Romney continued to refuse to answer questions from the U.S. press pool. In Poland one Romney aide - annoyed over press questions about Romney's reluctance to speak with them - even told the press to "shove it" (though he did call back to apologize). None of this, apparently, sits well with Fox News' Greta van Susteran. She referred to being ignored, and then being stuck on the press bus, as akin to being in a "modified petting zoo" because of the tourists stirring around the bus. 

Nice. You know things are bad if even your cheerleaders aren't happy.

One thing is certain. If Mitt Romney wanted to replicate what then Senator Obama did on his trip to Berlin, he has a long way to go ...

- Mark

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