Thursday, August 30, 2012


Are you a Republican enamored with Paul Ryan's convention speech? Don't be. Ryan ignored facts and, to be blunt, flat out lied. Check it out ...

* PLANT CLOSING: Ryan blasted President Obama for not doing more to keep the GM plant in his hometown open. The plant closed while Bush was still president

* DEBT COMMISSION REJECTED: How can Ryan criticize President Obama for "rejecting" recommendations from a debt commission that Ryan sat on but also voted against?

* OBAMACARE DISTORTIONS: Ryan claim that Obamacare cuts Medicare spending but ignores that Ryan himself asked for the same cuts. Worse, he conveniently ignored that President Obama's "cuts" don't affect patients directly but, rather, reduce payments to service providers, hospitals, and insurance providers. 

* MEDICARE DISTORTION: Ryan also failed to mention that his voucher program would destroy Medicare and expose America's elderly to more out of pocket costs. 

* FLAT OUT LIE DEPARTMENT: Ryan claimed that President Obama insists on giving all the credit for private sector success to government. President Obama never said this. It's what the GOP wants to believe he said. 

* CREDIT RATING DISTORTION: Ryan blamed President Obama for ruining America's AAA credit rating. The reality is S&P was in a panic and reacted to the Republicans threat to default on the debt (by not increasing our borrowing authority) unless President Obama cut trillions from domestic programs. 

Then we have Ryan ignoring how government spending under President Obama is growing at it's slowest pace in over 60 years ... that tax levels are at their lowest in 60 years ... that historically GOP tax hikes far outpace taxes associated with Obamacare .... that Ryan has either supported or written budget proposals that have no numbers and depend on mythical trillions showing up out of nowhere ... well, you get the point (even Fox's Sally Kohn found Ryan's lies ... )

Paul Ryan lives in a world that only exist in his mind, and in the minds of his colleagues. And it's not realistic ...

Remember when Mitt Romney's pollster Neil Newhouse boldly stated - while defending campaign ads that falsely claimed President Obama removed work requirements from welfare - that "We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers"? 

Paul Ryan's convention speech makes it clear that the "no fact check" express is off and running. 

- Mark 

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