Saturday, July 28, 2012


So Mitt Romney has made a fool of himself in England trying to show off his foreign policy credentials. After bragging about his supposedly secret meeting with MI6 (the British Secret Intelligence Service) and questioning Britain's preparedness for hosting the Olympic games (among other blunders) the verdict is in from across the pond. The British are saying that Mitt is offensive, "devoid of charm," and "worse than Sarah Palin." Ouch.

But at least he can see Iran from Syria, I think. Check this out ...

During the Republican primaries in February Mitt Romney said that Syria is Iran's "key ally" and then claimed that Syria is also Iran's route to the sea (start at 1:30:15). Huh? Has Mitt ever seen a map of Syria and where it lies in relation to Iran? Hey, I have an idea. Let's take a look ...

The real story here is that Syria does not even have a border with Iran, while Iran already has a "route to the sea" through the Persian Gulf, which leads to the Arabian Sea (and the Indian Ocean) ...

Mitt insults a key ally before a global event and doesn't know how to read a map. Sigh ... There's not much to say here except to remind everyone what happened the last time we elected a guy who had no clue about the outside world, apart from how to make money for himself and his friends.

- Mark 

1 comment:

  1. News Flash! Mitt Romney now has to brush his teeth with tough acting Tinactin due to the amount of times he's stuck his foot in his mouth!
