Monday, April 23, 2012


One of the great things about coaching 11 and 12 year old kids is that you get some memorable experiences. This past Saturday was one of those experiences. 

It's the middle of the game. I'm the first base coach and we have a runner moving around third base. The runner - who also happens to be my son - thinks he can score if he can knock the ball out of the catcher's hand. But he hesitates. Our third base coach, however, has no doubts. He "sends" him.

My son and daughter (who was watching the game) captured the moment in this comic they put together Saturday night ("le me" is my son Sebastian) ...

While the "nudge-push" might have been over the top it was also one of the funniest things I've seen on a baseball field.

In the FYI category, the other team wasn't too happy so the coach was warned.

And, yes, it might be best if I or the other assistant are the third base coaches from now on ;-)

- Mark

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit I am a bit embarrassed at my antics, but hey I think the high level of enthusiasm I have helps project us forward in the standings. Of course the push should be figurative not literal, ha. Despite the bruise to my ego I do have to admit that the laugh I got off this comic was worth the embarassment of my actions. Way to go Sebastian, your Dad is proud of you speaking out about such wild behaviour. Kudos to Dad for loving the game so much to understand my antics were harmless. Play ball !

