Tuesday, January 17, 2012


OK, unless you're living under a rock, most of us understand how President Obama's policies helped prevent our nation from sliding into a 1930s like Depression. We're not out of the woods yet, but the snowball effect of the Bush economy has been slowed, and even reversed when it comes to adding jobs to the economy.

To be sure, we're still dealing the aftermath of President Bush's decisions to not pay for Medicare Part "D," to not pay for two wars, and to not pay for tax cuts. All of these (and more) have left us at the borrowing mercy of the Chinese, which has added hundreds of billions to our national debt. But at least we've turned the tide, of sorts. The situation is still bad, and we're heading for another Wall Street led collapse, but we can thank the GOP's obstructionism for not getting more done.

This is why I especially like this Newsweek piece - "Why Are Obama's Critics So Dumb?" - from Andrew Sullivan. He goes after both the left and the right for their criticisms of President Obama (though, it would seem, the right is the only group who don't like being criticized). Check out Sullivan's defense of Obama with Chris Matthews.

- Mark

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