Saturday, January 14, 2012


Fox News is at it again (actually, they don't ever stop). They're busy trying to give the economy that President Bush left to President Obama a makeover. Put another way, they're lying.

Media Matters has the story, and links, here. I especially like this reference to unemployment rates under Bush (which I blogged about here and here):

In addition to blurring the timeline, media conservatives inflated Bush's economic performance. In August, Limbaugh claimed that Obama inherited "an unemployment rate of 5.7 percent." A few days later, Hannity claimed Obama inherited an unemployment rate of 5.6 percent. Fox's Brian Kilmeade hearkened back to a time when things were "a lot better" under Bush, when unemployment was 5 percent. All of these figures are "flat out lies." Obama inherited an unemployment rate of 7.8 percent.

Long story short? Fox News lies, but their viewers don't seem to give a damn. Sigh ...

- Mark

1 comment:

  1. My colleagues used to give me hard time for citing myself as the "source" of my arguments. Now, in retrospect I wish Fox News was there to help me. Here is what I mean. Typical Fox News supporting source of news: "According to some..." "Some say..." "According to evidence..."
    If I knew these lines, I would have "Outfoxed" all my critics. But then again I would have ended as idiot as the foxes at Fox News!
