Thursday, December 22, 2011


So, I'm thinking, How do I make this somewhat complicated post easier to understand? In the post I explained how Wall Street and the nation's biggest banks profited after making stupid business decisions. Specifically, I wrote how Wall Street was able to get the federal government American taxpayer to underwrite their stupidity with government taxpayer backed loans after they lost a bundle gambling on reckless derivative investments, and then wrecked the economy. Here's a short - and a bit more humorous - take on the events surrounding our market collapse and bailout.

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Imagine that you owned a trailer park development project and went to Las Vegas. You borrowed against your assets and then gambled away all your money. You now have to file for bankruptcy. This is how market justice is supposed to work.

Then, out of the blue, your bank covers your losses in Las Vegas. Then they open the loan spigot for you. The bank also tells you that you can continue doing what you were doing before you lost everything (in this case gambling). Seeing all this the Vegas casinos jump in and say, "Come to our gambling dens (again) ... we're even going to comp your suites." 

The best part (for you) is that the banks are going to charge you virtually zero percent on the money they're lending you. All you have to do is give the bank title to your "trailers with a view" development project as collateral. 

But wait. It gets even better. The banks are going to loan you money based on the value of your trailer park development BEFORE the market crashed. It doesn't matter that you over inflated the value of your $100,000 project by $1 million. You still get your million dollar loan because neat accounting tricks make the value of your crappy assets look good. You can walk away with the borrowed money any time too.

At the end of the day, you know you're going to walk away because the American taxpayer banks are going to be left with your trailer park assets. Sweet (for you).

Incredibly, things get even better for you because, with new money to backstop your stupidity, you can now start kicking out renters that you never liked. With your trailer park investment project effectively paid off, you can become arrogant and vindictive. And you're bringing a new landlord.

Can you imagine this happening? Of course not. This level of reckless support only happens if you're one of the big financial players making stupid bets in America.

While I've oversimplified all of this, conceptually the logic applies. Our financial mandarins, who like to think they're rugged individualsts, are really wards of the state. And you and I get to pay for it all.

- Mark

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