Wednesday, November 16, 2011


For those of you who are wondering why Herman Cain's Libya Moment is so important, we can start by acknowledging that national security is something that we shouldn't play games with. We shouldn't leave our national security thoughts and judgments to personal biases and moments of the mob. I think we can all agree to that, right?

That said, in my International Relations class I often start the quarter by showing this Monty Python clip, which illustrates what happens when you embrace biases and mob moments.

This is why Herman Cain's Libya Moment is so important. You can see him searching for President Obama's policy, and then circling the drain so that he can oppose it. It's that simple. Check it out here:

Several points here. First, Cain doesn't understand what President Obama's policy is in the region. Second, this also showed that Cain doesn't understand that President Obama has a larger foreign-global policy approach that he outlined at Oslo (which former Speaker Gingrich said bordered on the "historic"). Finally, it also showed that when it comes to national security and foreign policy Herman Cain is always ready to play politics, and run with the mob, instead of looking at how real problems are solved. This is not a good thing.

I'll leave it at that for the moment.

- Mark


  1. The man's a joke. He clearly wants to remember what Obama did, so he could go against it! "It's like he's trying to download the answer. The ball is spinning, but he's stuck. It's like he's buffering."-Jon Stewart.

    Also, did you read about his new slogan? "American needs a leader, not a reader." Everyone is comparing him to this:

  2. "It's like he's buffering!"-Jon Stewart. Also, have you heard Cain's new slogan? "America needs a leader, not a reader!" News outlets are comparing him to this Simpsons clip:
