Thursday, July 15, 2010


Incredible. Senator John Kyl (R-AZ) asserts that we can afford George W. Bush's tax cuts for the rich, which will cost at least $1.3 trillion from 2012 through 2021. But we can't afford unemployment insurance that will cost $33 billion because it's too expensive. Proving that stupidity likes company, we got this from Oklahama Sen. Tom Coburn yesterday. He apparently agrees with the Senator from Fantasia ...  

Suggesting that tax cuts don't cost anything, after almost 30 years of evidence that tell us otherwise, is the essence of crazy stupid. Indeed, new data shows that legislation under President Bush not only increased the deficit by $539 billion in 2005 but that - as Ezra Klein points out - in the absence of Bush era policies, our nation would be running a surplus this year.

Let me repeat that. In the absence of Bush era policies, our nation would be running a surplus this year

How do we know this? Because instead of blindly staring at some mystical crystal ball that's clouded in a failed ideology ...

... some people actually look at the numbers. What happens when we do this? We find that if we continue the Bush era tax cuts for the rich they might not cost us just $1.3 trillion by 2021, as noted above. Instead they're more likely to cost us $3.28 trillion by 2018. Nice.

The Republican response to all of this? They stare harder at the crystal ball and say in their best, spooky, Vincent Price voice, "Don't tax the rich. Our failed ideology of tax cuts for the rich - followed by budget surpluses - has been blessed with our new super secret magic potion ... all you need to do is just need to give us another chance. The elixir will work this time ... ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ..." (click on the laugh, it's good).

The causes behind today's budget shortfalls are clear. And it has little to do with President Obama, the Democrats, or any of the other nonsense coming from the political right. Check out the numbers.

Failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Bush's fault. Check ...

Bush era tax cuts? Bush's fault. Check ...

Recovery measures made necessary by Bush's failed policies? Bush. Check ...

TARP, Fannie and Freddie. Bi-partisan stupidity over many years. OK, we'll call it a draw ...

Economic downturn? Made possible by reckless deregulation. Accelerated under Bush. Check.

In a few words, because of the Bush train wreck our nation has been sunk into an economic and financial hole that ... and this is the incredible part ... republicans and conservatives want to blame on President Obama. Worse, they want to do it all over again by continuing President Bush's tax cuts for the rich.

This is not just insane. This is the essence of doubling down on the stupid, Republican style.

- Mark

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