Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Remember elementary school? Those were wonderfully innocent days, when we all started to develop the ability to craft arguments that were "logical" but embarrassingly immature. You remember ... "Since she's your friend ... and she's a girl ... that makes her your girlfriend!"

 And then the fun & teasing began.

Most of us grew tired of this mind-set early on. Or we simply grew up. Not so for the folks at Fox News Corporation. Check this out.

Got that? Since Mitt Romney implemented health care reform ... he's also a socialist ... which makes Mitt Romney the socialist boyfriend of President Obama. So there.

Everyone on the Glenn Beck-Fox playground are now supposed to run around, dutifully telling others about Glenn Beck's political love discovery. Never mind that Beck has no clue about socialism, or modern governance issues. As long as the voices in his head say his arguments make sense, Obama & Romney are socialist love birds. And cue the song in Glenn's head  ...  "K"-"I"-"S"-"S"-"I"-"N"-"G" ... first comes love, then comes marriage ... la, la, la ...

The intellectually shallow and simplistic arguments that come from Glenn Beck should tell the world that he's qualified to be little more than the front man in a roaming circus act. At best he should be booked as a supporting "cast" on the Jerry Springer Show, you know, like the Reverend Shnorr.

That Glenn Beck has become a leading voice for the Right is simply stunning.

- Mark

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