Friday, April 9, 2010


Fox News Corporation's lies, inaccuracies, and exaggerations have become so frequent that they're no longer the events they used to - or should - be to those of us who look for facts. I've actually stopped posting on them on a regular basis because I'd be posting on them almost every day. Well, this clip from Jon Stewart reminds us why we need to keep their feet to the fire. These guys are truly snake oil salesmen.

And for the record, I was watching FNC in the early morning hours before President Obama and Russian President Medvedev signed the START Treaty. When their "analysts" weren't busy joking like clowns, and then contemplating about possible "trouble" before the signing ceremony because Obama and Medvedev were late, they were openly speculating about the "concerns" and "issues" Secretary of State Clinton and Secretary of Defense Gates might have ... as if they weren't really on board with the treaty.

Again, why does anyone take what these guys have to say seriously?

- Mark

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