Thursday, March 25, 2010


Apart from their defeat at the hands of the Germans, perhaps the most important factor that led to the establishment of France's Vichy Regime (1940-1944) was the emergence of a bitter and anachronistic right wing. Focused on a past that wasn't coming back, France's conservative collaborationists embraced a series of delusional and backward-looking policies during the Vichy years.

Conservative policies, led by a doomed-to-fail "back to the land" program, saw Vichy France place too much faith in the promise of old ideas, and in the hands of antiquated WWI hero Philippe Pétain.

As the hero of the Battle of Verdun, Marshal Pétain was so constrained in his thinking that perhaps his greatest contribution to WWII was his failure to anticipate war in the 20th century: Rather than supporting investments in armour and aircraft during the 1930s he chose to fight the last war and pushed for putting France's resources into the Maginot Line, which Germany humorously avoided by going around it (by invading and then going through Belgium).

By choosing to fight the last war, Pétain, the hero of Verdun, had effectively granted Germany the conditions they would need to take what he had defended 24 years earlier. He also reinforced a conservative and outdated military mindset that would hang over the Vichy Government he would lead during WWII.

Like Marshal Pétain, and other bitter and backward looking collaborationists of Vichy France, modern Republicans and their Tea Party splinter movement are looking to the past for answers. Believing in a market mentality that is more delusion than fact, Republicans continue to embrace cultural and historical ghosts that would make Marshal Pétain proud.

Seeking to "purify" America from the socialists, the non-patriots, and other demons they see, the American Right - like France's "back to the land" propagandists - is pushing for a return to a nation that never existed. Worse, they continue to bury their heads in the sand and (1) have no clue how their policies have buried the nation in debt, (2) seem to think they deserve to rule simply because "they'll do better" next time, and (3) have no respect for real democracy in action.

And they're going to great lengths to demonstrate how out of touch they are.

During the Vichy Regime (1940-1944) France's National Assembly was effectively dominated by Germany. In essence, the Vichy Regime ceded control over important policy matters to those who were not elected by the French. In many ways, our Vichy Republic(ans) want the same thing. Only today they want the democratically elected party in power, the Democratic Party, to cede policymaking authority to them. You know, because their ideas worked so well the last time they were in power. They also want to change the Constitution to make sure they continue to get their way.

Take a look at Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX). Because he doesn't like the health care bill, he's now calling for the repeal of the 17th amendment, which allows citizens, instead of state legislators, to elect their U.S. Senators. In his world, having partisan legislators select U.S. Senators is significantly better than you and I making choices for ourselves. Vive la France!

What's next for our forward thinking Rep. Gohmert? Does he want to dispense with the Constitution so we can re-implement the Articles of Confederation, which had a notoriously weak central government?

Ahh, the good ol' days ...

Another Texan who can't seem to see beyond the plug of tobacco between his cheek and gum, is Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX). He also has a vision for returning to a more purified America ... you know, when abortions didn't happen, except to immoral and evil people. So what's his inglorious solution to not getting what he wants? Finding phantom scapegoats for his legislative losses, and expressing his sentiments by yelling "baby killer" at Rep. Bart Stupak on the House floor. Classic.

Like the collaborationists in Vichy France, it really doesn't matter what the truth is (and, no, federal funds can't be used for abortions). The goal is to confuse the issues and expose the wickedness of elected "undesirables" who disagree with the true rulers of society ... Republicans.

The good ol' days must be brought back at any cost. Modern government be damned.

Hey, as long as we're trying to glorify the past, I have an idea. Since things were so much better way back when, how about doing away with the 19th amendment? For many conservatives, granting women the right to vote not only sparked the culture wars, but according to many conservative religious leaders, encouraged women to destroy the family nest with their independence.

And while we're at it, we might as well as repeal Brown v. Board of Education (integration) and the Civil Rights Act too. Think about it. Once the women and colored folk relearn their place in society nature's balance will return, right?

One of the ways to get Democrats in Congress to understand their place in society is to make sure the "homos" and the "colored boys" know their place. Calling them names (which they, no doubt, brought upon themselves) and spitting on them when possible, are just a few of the ways to let them know their place. But the real good stuff is how Republicans and their Tea Party brethren are taking to violence.

At least 10 House Democrats who voted Sunday for health care overhaul have received violent threats to their lives or property. Others have experienced vandalism at their district offices, or their private homes (the gas line was cut outside the Virginia home of Rep. Tom Perriello's brother after a conservative activist posted the address online). For a condensed review of what's been happening, check this and this out.

So, just what do the Republicans and their Tea Party friends (yes, they are one in the same; 74% of Tea Partiers identify themselves as Republican) want? In a few words, they're no longer interested in democracy. Unlike Democrats after the 2000 election - who may have been disatisfied with the results of George W. Bush's electoral victory, but still worked with him - Republicans have effectively decided to take their ball and go home.

They could care less that the country went to hell in a hand basket when it was their turn to govern. They could care less that Ronald Reagan almost tripled the national debt, and George W. Bush effectively doubled it after being handed hundreds of billions in surpluses. They could care less that their tax cuts for the rich and deregulation strategy almost bankrupted America. Like sociopaths in a bad movie, they've decided that they still know what's best, and have decided to gum up the works until they get their way.

Because their tactics haven't worked, and health care reform has become law, Vichy Republicans have decided to double down, play innocent about the emerging violence, and hope that the country doesn't realize the high wire act they're playing. Trying to channel the energy from the ugliness their rhetoric has unleashed, Vichy Republicans - like the Vichy French - can't wean themselves from the self-interested thugs who run the movement. Stories about socialists in our midst, or that Obama's a Nazi and/or Muslim, are standard canards for Republicans.

Worse, Vichy Republicans can't find a way to control the real Puppet Masters. Just like Vichy France could not control the Nazis, today's Vichy Republicans can do little about the Rush Limbaughs, the Glenn Becks, and Fox News' of their world.

Like the collaborationists in Vichy France, Vichy Republicans are caught between speaking for a set of antiquated and failed policies that protect narrow interests, and letting their politics become dominated by by a bunch of thugs.

It's really that simple.

- Mark

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