Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So Senator Jim Bunning (R-Kentucky) is suddenly concerned about the budget deficit because of a proposed extension on unemployment benefits. What an idiot. Here's why.

Senator Bunning supported President Bush's unfunded boondoggle in Iraq. The Congressional Research Service says we've committed over $683 billion to Iraq through 2009, with total costs of expected to reach $3 billion. Why isn't Senator Bunning saying anything about funding the war in Iraq?

Senator Bunning supported President Bush's unfunded tax cuts for the rich in 2001 and 2003. Most of these tax cuts went to the richest Americans, and have cost America almost $2.5 trillion through 2010. Where was Senator Bunning's concern for funding this handout then?

Where was our budget-concious senator when he requested well over $69.5 million in unfunded earmarks for his district? Suddenly catching Jesus is not good or principled politics.

Look, it would be one thing if Senator Bunning had a history of speaking out against unfunded projects. But he hasn't done so in the past. Indeed, our suddenly budget-conscious senator (the cost for the benefits extension is about $10 billion) has never gone to the extremes that we're now seeing. When will he start complaining that President Bush's Captain Ahab-like war in Iraq, and his tax cuts for the rich, were both deficit financed? What about his own unfunded earmarks?

Jim Bunning ... America's village idiot for the day. Want more proof? Check out this Jon Stewart clip.

- Mark

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