Tuesday, March 23, 2010


This post from Dailykos highlights something that Republicans would probably not like to have highlighted: They don't live in a reality-based world.

If the majority of the people in the Republican Party believe that President Obama is a socialist (67%) or a Muslim (57%), while a strong portion believe Obama's not eligible to be president (45%) and/or believe he's "doing many of the things that Hitler did" (38%), you have to wonder about the mental state of the party as a whole.

I'm no mental health expert, but I have to think that these mental caricatures of President Obama aren't healthy (though it does shed light on the party's belief in market fairytopias, where markets work efficiently if we just leave market players alone). And if their mental state is sound - which you would like to believe is the case - these people are just plain ignorant.

Seriously. What else would you say about a group where almost one-quarter of them believe President Obama is the Antichrist?

I wonder where Republicans get their information ...

- Mark

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