Saturday, March 20, 2010


Jim Costa comes through again ... Congressman Jim Costa (D-CA, 20th District) will vote "yes" on the Health Care Reform bill.

Here's part of the text from his press release earlier today.

“After nearly 14 months of thoughtful and passionate debate, there are many opinions on what it means to reform health care. For me, it boils down to this: Who makes the important health care decisions in our country – patients, their families and their doctors, or insurance companies?

“With all the rumored and actual changes made to the health care bill, I was not willing to make a final decision on my vote until I saw the actual language in the bill to protect patients from losing their insurance coverage, from having their rates jacked through the ceiling, and from being denied coverage by insurance companies. I was also able to express my concern to the Administration that the implementation of any health care bill must take into account the unique challenges of the Valley’s farmers and seasonal agriculture workers.

“Having now seen the actual bill and after reviewing the fine print with constituent groups and health care professionals, I am satisfied that it will take life and death decisions away from the insurance companies and protect patient rights. The bill also ensures that patients and our families can receive essential treatment without fear of bankruptcy. That's what healthcare coverage is supposed to do and is what the final language in the bill accomplishes. For these reasons, I will vote “Yes” on the health care reform legislation being considered by the House of Representatives.

“Health care reform is not about Washington. It’s about all the people across our Valley and the 28% uninsured in my Congressional District who are calling for commonsense solutions that will make their lives better. Our work on health care is far from over, but this bill is the first step.”
Those of you who called his office, asking him to support health care reform, be sure to call again and thank Congressman Costa for his vote. There's sure to be plenty of negative and angry calls to his office, so the staff will appreciate hearing from those of you who pushed for this vote. Here are the numbers again ...
Costa in Washington, DC: 202-225-3341
Costa in Bakersfield: 661-869-1620
Costa in Fresno: 559-495-1620
Better yet, how about offering to volunteer and help his campaign? I plan on getting my friends and colleagues to help. There's always something to do.
- Mark  

P.S.: For those of you not familiar with where California's 20th district is, here's a map.

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