Wednesday, March 3, 2010


From our good friends at Zero Hedge, we get "The Federal Reserve Explains ... The Federal Reserve In One Easy, Retard-Accessible Video."

I'm with Zero Hedge's Tyler Durden on this one. This Fed-sanctioned piece is little more than a PR snow job. It's designed to help keep Joe Six-Pack from realizing that the Fed has been transformed, and is now geared to keeping America's big financial institutions afloat in "perpetuity" ... no matter how much they screw up.

Seriously, when are we going to hear from the Fed about it's role in keeping the market bubble going (with low interest rates), and then bailing out America's financial screw-ups as early as 2007 (with cheap discount window loans in exchange for toxic collateral)?  As if it's their job the American taxpayer's job to subsidize corporate stupidity.

The Fed, like any central bank, has only one objective: Guarding the integrity of it's nation's currency. Is that so hard to understand?

- Mark

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