Saturday, January 30, 2010


It appears that I'm not the only one who thinks President Obama gave a major smackdown to 140 Republicans yesterday in Baltimore. It turns out that the beating was so obvious that Republican propaganda station, and conservative mouthpiece, FOX News pretty much turned the channel.

Critical here is that President Obama made himself available to the opposition party in a way that no president has done in recent memory. His appearance at the Republican House Retreat in Baltimore was, as many observers have noted, akin to the Prime Minister taking questions from Members of Parliament.

For Fox News to turn the channel, while the other networks had continuous coverage, says much about Fox News. First, they can see the truth, but willfuly choose to ignore it. Second, they are a propaganda arm of the Republican party.

So here's my question:

How stupid are the people who watch Fox News that they need Fox's general management to break away from LIVE coverage so that paid media goons can tell them what they THINK is happening?
Seriously, who would stay to watch a football game on TV if the network stopped showing the game and switched to hacks telling you that your team is doing great when you just saw them getting pounded?

At the end of the day Fox is to network news what World Wrestling Entertainment is to Greco-Wrestling and serious sport. A joke. They take a serious activity and turn it into fantasy entertainment. And all for what? So the intellectually challenged among us can indulge their fantasies about the world around them?

For the Fox viewers out there who might be reading my blog, let me make this simple for you. Here's what serious news looks like in wrestling form ...

 Here's what Fox News looks like in wrestling form ...

Any questions?

- Mark

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