Thursday, December 10, 2009


While there's so many real news developments going on, I just couldn't resist this. Check out this Huffington Post article from Cenk Uygur - host of The Young Turks - where he describes "The Irrefutable Stupidity of Sarah Palin."

Currently the Washington Post is taking some heat for running Sarah Palin's op-ed piece on the science behind global warming. Keep in mind that Sarah Palin's faith - and knowledge of science - did not prevent her from having Rev. Thomas Muthee pray for/with Sarah to have every form of witchcraft rebuked from her (yet, nothing was done to try and cure the stupid?).

Here's one video post (same event) that takes a little creative licence to illustrate the evil that was "rebuked" from Sarah Palin that day in the Wasilla Assembly of God. I'm not sure, but it appears that Sarah also had a pseudo exorcism performed on her too. You be the judge.

And to think, she's been invited to speak here at the Bakersfield Business Conference. It will no doubt be a sell out event. I love this town.

- Mark

UPDATE: In a Morning Joe segment Christopher Hitchens calls Sarah Palin "a disgraceful opportunist and a real moral coward."

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