Saturday, December 5, 2009

HAPPY HOLIDAYS (you'll enjoy this one)

Have you ever wanted to relax and "enjoy the silent majesty of winter's morn, and the cool clean chill of a Holiday air"? Me too.

Then you read about how bailed out Goldman Sachs not only set Wall Street pay record records but that their chief executive officer, Lloyd Blankfein, actually believes that his company "would not have failed" if they had just been left alone.

Great. The people who created our economic mess and then dumped all their crap on the American taxpayer now think they did nothing wrong. In a few words, during this Holiday Season they get to keep their bonuses and walk away while we deal with the sh*t they created. It works something like this.

Lloyd Blankfein, as well as the other CEOs of financial America, are Randy Quaid. Happy Holidays.

- Mark

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