Thursday, October 29, 2009


Between the "What-Would-Jesus-Do?" crowd and the Republican Party's "Sanctity of Life" arrogance you would think that they would be the party that would be pushing for national health care and/or the public option. Especially after learning that more than 44,000 people die each year for lack of health coverage. Think again.

This is what makes the efforts of Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) so meaningful. Rather than focus on actuary accounting numbers or on death tolls alone he has put up a site - - dedicated to sharing the stories of those who have been affected by not having health insurance. This one is from "Jenny Fritts and baby girl Hailie" ...

Jenny our 24 year old daughter in-law and unborn baby died because she could not afford health insurance. In the richest country in the world our Jenny died. When she became ill she went to a for-profit hospital who was required to see her but they sent her away saying she had a cold, maybe a touch of bronchitis. 24 hours later she was much worse and my son was desperate. Sean took Jenny to the other hospital in town and lied saying they had insurance. She was examined and found to be very sick. She had respiratory failure, double pneumonia and sepsis. By that night she was on life support where she remained for 55 days, fighting for her life and the life of her baby. Jenny died 7 weeks ago. She leaves behind a 2 year old daughter who will never know her mother and her husband who is devastated. Jenny did not have to die. If there had been a public option Jenny would have been able to afford the care she so deserved. It's too late for Jenny but not for the countless others still out there fighting. Please read Jennys story. I am currently an activist fighting for health care reform. I can be contacted at 312 753-5510
There's plenty of other stories on the site. I guess my only question is, "Where's the sanctity of life" crowd in this debate?

- Mark

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