Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Is this for real? A conservative project designed to eliminate the "liberal bias" in the Bible? Among the liberal infractions to be corrected or cast asunder include (my comments in italics):

* Remasculating the Bible.
..... Because God really wants women to know their place.

* Using "powerful conservative terms."
..... And Republican high priest / speech-master Frank Luntz smiles.

* Accepting the logic of Hell.
..... Why do something because it's the right thing to do when spiritual fear and biblical threats can guilt you on to the path of salvation? (no hypocrisy here)

* Express free market parables.
..... In reality Jesus not only loved the money changers but he only cured lepers who were current on their HMO policies.

* Exclude non-authentic liberal passages, like the adulteress story.
..... Because, conceptually, it really messes with Gov. Mark Sanford's (R-SC) trips to Argentina, Sen. David Vitter's (R-LA) liasons with prostitutes, and Sen. John Ensign's (R-NV) love affairs with staffer's wives.

* Credit Open-Mindedness of Disciples.
..... Because we all know how hard the disciples had to work to accept the preachings of a non-English speaking, foreign born, Jesus.

There's more, which you can access here and here. The interesting thing, as Paul Krugman points out, is that rather than go back to the original texts - which serious scholars would do - these guys are simply going to wordsmith the King James version until it says what they want it to say (isn't this just propaganda?).

I don't know, but it seems to me that if this group were really serious they would just eliminate the New Testament. Stoning sinners, gouging eyes, and selling others into slavery pretty much goes against all that human dignity nonsense liberals like to talk about.

I'm just saying ...

- Mark

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