Wednesday, October 21, 2009


In spite of what the professional punditry have been saying about the Obama administration picking battles with small cheese like FOX News Corps (FNC), I'm glad that they've done it. FNC is like that annoying fly that never goes away. FNC is there simply to bother and distract those who don't support their corporatist-free market lunacy agenda. Unfortunately, that little FNC fly also distracts others (who prefer to let FNC to do their thinking for them) from the bigger picture President Obama is trying to promote.

And just in case you don't know why the Obama administration decided to call FOX out, check out these recently compiled "Top 10 Most Egregious FOX News Distortions" videos here.

Those of you who have been following my site know that you can click on the FOX News label below this post (or on the left side of this blog) to find numerous FOX distortion/lie examples that I've compiled over the past year. And I wasn't even trying. Here's a short list from an earlier post.

1. LEGAL LIES: FOX News went to court and secured the legal right to distort the news.

2. MANIPULATING THE NEWS CYCLE: Rupert Murdoch admits FOX News tried to manipulate the news on Iraq.

3. FOX BILE-SPEWING FEST OVER DEMOCRATS: This FOX News piece on the economy turned into Wingnut bile-fest over Democratic candidates.

4. IGNORE FACTS: During their bile-fest, FOX deliberately ignored Wall Street’s record under Democratic administrations.

5. SMOKE & MIRRORS: FOX News incompetence, bias and/or deliberate attempts to obfuscate the truth. Check out these misleading headlines and rolling subplots, just like this one …

6. CHRIS WALLACE LIES SCRUBBED: John Kerry catches Chris Wallace in a lie, which FOX transcribers then scrub/edit from the transcripts.

7. IGNORE FACTS, II: Paul Begala explains how FOX News continued to run with a story even after the main figure (Paul Begala) informs them there’s nothing to the story.
In a few words FOX News is a joke. Worse, it has an agenda. The Obama administration is not only doing the right thing, they're doing us all a favor.

And the professional punditry's attempt to label it as an unnecessary battle with a "news channel"? It simply shows how much damage FNC has already done to the integrity of journalism. With the exception of a few things that Shepard Smith - and even Major Garrett - brings to the table, FNC is not credible.

- Mark

UPDATE: Here's a clip that helps illustrate why FNC is not credible.

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