Saturday, October 31, 2009


HR 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act of 2009, was assessed by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. It's conclusion? The total cost for the proposed health care legislation is $894 billion dollars. This is how FOX covered it ...

While FOX chose to focus on the total cost of the health care program they conveniently ignored that the bill would actually reduce the budget deficit by $104 billion over the 2010-2019 period. How does this happen? Because of "other spending changes" and "provisions" in the bill that increase revenue.

FOX News reporting tactics in the area of health care are akin to looking at future expenditures in a growing family but failing to look at salary increases, promotions, new income (from second jobs, over time, royalties, etc.), or investments paying off over time. Who does this? Apparently FOX News Corps.

Check out the CBO estimate here.

- Mark

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