Monday, October 26, 2009


MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan minces no words when it comes to understanding how ineffective and toothless the Obama administration's executive compensation plan (for failed institutions) is going to be ...

Seriously, the executives who drove our economy into the ground and then asked for trillions of dollars in taxpayer funded bailout money are going to "voluntarily" adjust their income and bonuses down?

Hey, I have an idea ...

I need a new car. I think I'll go get drunk and drive my car off a cliff. Then I'll say that I was only trying to get home. I'm sure the police department, the fire department, and the insurance company will say, "Oh, that's OK. Your intentions were good. Good thing we rescued you. Go ahead, try it again in this newer (and faster) car that your insurance company bought for you. Drinks are on us ... Oh, and it doesn't matter that you didn't pay insurance premiums. We'll charge your neighbor instead because he's too lazy and stupid to understand the statements anyways."

Voluntarily curb their bonuses? This is insane.

- Mark

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