Monday, September 28, 2009


Here's South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham (R-Clueless) over the weekend discussing Iran's nuclear program:

"We're walking down the road to Armageddon."

Here's Graham (R-Clueless) commenting on what would happen if President Obama doesn't commit another 40,000 troops to Afghanistan:

"We're going to lose. We'll be driven out. The Taliban will come back stronger than they were before, [and] the moderates in Afghanistan will go back in hiding or get killed. NATO will be seen as a failure, and America will go it alone in the future."[Here's my question: Why didn't Graham think this way when President Bush decided to pull troops out of Afghanistan to invade Iraq, pretty much alone?]
Here's Senator Graham (R-Clueless) in 2007 explaining why he supported the war in Iraq on Meet the Press:

"... I was wrong about certain things. The weapons of mass destruction issue ... I think Saddam believed he had the weapons, but apparently he didn't."
Here's Lindsey Graham (R-Clueless) on Meet the Press, explaining what we can all learn from his history of failed analysis in the region:

"Here’s what I can promise you ... no one wants to talk about this."
Drawing from Graham's last two comments, and as a point of reference, can you imagine if I had the following conversation with my bank:

"I was wrong about certain things. The money in the bank issue ... I think my creditors believed I had money in the bank, but apparently I didn't. Here's what I can promise you, and no one wants to talk about this ... so lend me more money."
OK, here my question. At what point does Lindsey Graham admit he's a clueless partisan hack who has no idea what the hell he's talking about when it comes to the Middle East?

- Mark

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