Thursday, September 10, 2009

HEALTH CARE ... WWJD (Who Would Jesus Deny)?

President Obama gave a great speech last night (text here). He laid out in clear and very definite terms where the opposition is misrepresenting the facts, and what the public option actually does. Using public universities to explain the "public option" was, for me, the best metaphor for understanding what we're talking about: No government takeover, just more options.

There were also several inspiring moments - especially his comments regarding Ted Kennedy - and several others that demonstrated Republicans could care less about decorum and respect. Watching Eric Cantor Tweet/use his BlackBerry during President Obama’s address was telling.

Another moment that stands out was Joe Wilson’s (R-SC) outburst, when he yelled "you lie" to President Obama. In a few words Rep. Wilson was responding to President Obama’s comment that those who are not citizens of this country - and who are here illegally - would NOT be covered by the reforms he's proposing.

Apart from the fact that no one from the Democratic side of the aisle ever called President Bush a liar in Congress - when he actually lied about Saddam Hussein's intentions and capabilities - Joe Wilson's outburst demonstrated the difference between Republican Reality and what's really going on in this health care debate.

In a few words, the Republicans are playing Small Ball politics with the issues (I'll discuss why below). And they're doing it with slander and innuendo.
Let's take the issue that drove Joe Wilson's petulence. At the heart of Wilson's outburst is his fear that illegal aliens - the top Republican bogeyman, behind terrorists and liberals - will have access to government funded health care. President Obama says they will not be covered under his program. Who's right. Incredibly enough, they both are.

Before I explain, let's ponder for a moment Joe Wilson's issue. He wants to deny public health care to non-citizens. Look, I'm not a Christian (just a bad Catholic) like Joe Wilson, but I'm having problems believing that Jesus would share Rep. Wilson's position. If I'm wrong "WWJD?" takes on an entirely new meaning. You know, Who Would Jesus Deny? Anyways ...

First, let's be clear. Under the plan that President Obama is proposing, no person who isn't a citizen - and who's here illegally - will be eligible for his health care program. Period. However - and this is where the confusion lies - we know that emergency rooms across the country will not turn away those who are sick and dying. Who ends up paying for these people? We do of course. Put another way, because the vast majority of medical professionals actually feel an obligation to those who suffer, we will have "illegals" who are treated under a "public" program.

But access is not mandated by the proposed programs or policies. It's mandated by a sense of humanity and common decency, which is found in the medical profession.

In this way Rep. Wilson and our esteemed representative here, Kevin McCarthy, are technically correct when they say illegal aliens "could be covered" by public health care. Simply put, because the medical profession is full of caring people we will end up paying for people who suffer, and are not U.S. citizens (about $4.3 billion per year). But these people are NOT covered under the President's proposal. Nor are they covered under H.R. 3200 (see Sec. 246; p. 143). See the pickle?

What's at issue here is not coverage, but politics.

Let me give you an example of how this works by way of our local representative, Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield). During his Town Hall/Political Rally (which I discuss here) he fed his audience the political red meat they craved by agreeing or supporting those who railed against illegals in this country.

This was in line with his position that illegal aliens "could be covered under H.R. 3200" (#12 in his Town Hall Packet ). Congressman McCarthy understands full well that coverage isn't intended for illegal aliens. Yet, he also understands that one of the ways to scare his constituents - and Americans - into opposing President Obama's health care initiative is say that the hated Brown Hoardes will benefit.

At best, the focus on illegals is a red herring. At it's worst, it's race-baiting. Congressman McCarthy - who is a smart guy - understands this. But he and his Republican colleagues are also playing a parlor game. At the end of the day, non-citizens will be treated in emergency rooms under any scenario, including the status quo. The medical profession, fortunately, puts lives ahead of politics.

Ultimately, the reason Republicans are playing Small Ball politics now is because they know that if President Obama is successful on health care - as the Democrats were with social security and medicare, which are wildly popular - they stand to lose a generation of elections.

You see, effective government programs undermine the Republican "let-the-market-work-even-when-it-fails-and-threatens-to-drag-the-country-into-an-economic-black-hole" meme. Hence, the Scare America tactic with "illegals" (who, I'm sure, Jesus hates too) who might get health care in America.

So, in the spirit of bi-partisanship, maybe it's time to ask, WWJD?

- Mark

ADDENDUM: In the FYI category, Nevada Republican Dean Heller sponsored an amendment to H.R. 3200 to require verification of citizenship in order to access the public health care plan. Fortunately, Democrats saw it for what it was - a political red herring - and defeated it. Democrats understood that the amendment was "insufficient for the purpose of preventing illegal aliens from accessing the bill’s proposed benefits" (for the reasons I noted above) and wouldn't "provide mechanisms [i.e. resources] allowing those administering the program to ensure illegal aliens cannot access taxpayer-funded subsidies and benefits." In a few words, the amendment was seen for what it was, political grandstanding.

UPDATE: It turns out that Joe Wilson has a history of disrespecting colleagues and going off the deep end on stuff he knows little about.

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