Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Here are two posts from Dailykos that help to explain why the right wing of the Republican party should not be surprised that they are either laughed at or ostracized by mainstream America.

In this post, we see that a group of professional scientists from around the world took time out of their conference to visit America's Ignorance Museum, which is located in Kentucky (while it's officially called the Creation Museum, it's really a tribute to ignorance). The people who run this museum should be embarrassed. But they're not. Here's why.

They have a bastard political step-brother that seems to be getting stronger. It is now rearing it's ugly head in the form of racially tinged intolerance from the "birthers" and others who think and find humor in items like this.

Rather than deal with the issues, more and more people from the far right are finding comfort in petty ridicule and the willful ignorance of the facts (like the broken country that President Obama inherited).

That this mind-set is a product of stereotypes dragged from one of America's ugliest periods of racial intolerance seems to be unimportant to many in the Republican party at this time. As long as they believe they are scoring political points party leaders are willing to let the far right push this mind-set as part of a larger political strategy to discredit the Obama administration.

Like the Village Idiots of yesteryear, we could mock or laugh at these people. But we can't. They have too much political cover at this point. And that's the saddest part of all.

- Mark

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