Saturday, June 20, 2009


Yet another example of FOX News not even bothering to do basic research ...

Sean Hannity, June 18, 2009 (via Brendan Nyhan and Media Matters):

CAROLINE HELDEN, PROFESSOR, OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE: [President Obama] inherited a terrible political and economic situation from the previous administration.

HANNITY: Blah, blah, blah. I don't want to hear this anymore.

HELDEN: He had incredibly high approval ratings, Kennedy-esque approval ratings, and now they're starting to come back to earth. They're still very high for a president with these economic woes.

HANNITY: Let me ask this. This is not Bush's problem. It's his quadrupling of the deficit. He made those choices. He took over G.M., the financial institutions. He wants to nationalize health care. This is Obama's economy now...

To demonstrate how intellectually dishonest and inconsistent Sean Hannity and the clowns at FOX News Corps are, let's take a look at Sean Hannity blaming President Clinton for the small troubles - which included budget surpluses - that George W. Bush inherited ...

Sean Hannity, August 17, 2001: "[T]his is still the Clinton economy, in case you forgot."

Sean Hannity, August 20, 2001: "[W]e have the Clinton economy, the Clinton slowdown... We are living under the Clinton economy, and the slowdown that started in the spring of 2000."

Sean Hannity, August 21, 2001: "This is the Clinton economy slowed down."

Sean Hannity, August 22, 2001: "[T]his is Clinton's budget, Clinton's economy... the slowdown began last July."

Sean Hannity, September 5, 2001: "[Y]ou're back to the old tactics of scaring the old people of this country, trying to blame Republicans for the Clinton economy..."
Let's keep in mind that, according to FOX News and Sean Hannity, 9/11 was Clinton's fault too.

- Mark

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