Tuesday, January 27, 2009


The republicans are running scared because they know that their bankrupt ideas, plus their incompetent governance, broke the country. They're now telling the world that terrorists will be let loose in America if we close Gitmo or, worse, that "terrorist" detainees will be applying for citizenship - in your backyard no less. Spooky stuff.

Seriously, do these guys ever stop being afraid? Apparently not.

On the economic front, republicans are crowing like Chicken Little, telling America that Barack Obama's economic stimulus program is going to break the bank because it's so expensive. The problem is they've gotten religion on fiscal responsibility a bit late. They seem to have forgotten that they stood by and handed Team Bush the fiscal flamethrowers they used to burn through $5 trillion dollars. Oh, and they said nothing as President Bush prepared to leave town, handing Barack Obama trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, and a collapsing economy.

So what does Barack Obama do during his first week in office? He spent part of this morning talking with congressional republicans, trying to explain the mechanics behind his $825 billion stimulus package. He's looking for bi-partisan support. I hope it works. But it probably won't. Here's why.

Apart from having to acknowledge that their ideas helped run this country into the ground, republicans are deathly afraid that Barack Obama will pull an FDR and lay the ground work for recovery. This is an interesting conundrum for the republicans because while they like spreading lies about FDR they also know that much of the prosperity and economic stability that we experienced in the post-war era was made possible by FDR's New Deal.

For all their talk about Country First, republicans see Barack's success as a threat to their political viability. The well being of the country is not their concern. It's really that simple.

- Mark

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