Friday, January 16, 2009


I don't know about anyone else, but I've about had it with George Bush's Lying "But-Don't-Blame-Me" Tour as he prepares to leave the White House. Never have I seen a more self-indulgent and pathetically "reflective" exhibition over a failed record and stunning incompetence.

While Bush acknowledges mistakes like the "Mission Accomplished" banner, and using taunting words ("Bring 'em on"), America's Nero steadfastly refuses to accept that he politicized the intelligence, decided to invade Iraq long before 9/11, signed off on torture as a matter of policy, was incompetent in New Orleans, fiddled while the economy exploded on his watch, and led a host of other failures that would gnaw and embarrass almost any other normal human being.

Today I saw a clip of Bush lying (once again), claiming that he entered the White House with a recession and is leaving with a recession - acting as if the economy he is leaving us is akin to what he inherited from Bill Clinton (and, no, we weren't in a recession in 2001). What a moron.

But the most galling of all of President Bush's Lying Tour bag of lies is his claim that one of his greatest accomplishments is that we were not attacked after 9/11. As MSNBC's Martin Wolfe put it, while there is a relationship between the rooster crowing and the sun coming up, the rooster doesn't get credit for the sun's appearance.

I don't know about anyone else, but when it comes to poultry and President Bush, all I can think about is this guy . . .

For those of you who don't recall, this guy is from Foghorn Leghorn. He was the original Chicken Hawk.

- Mark

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