Thursday, January 22, 2009


President Obama is closing secret prisons, related detention camps, and Guantanamo. Already the right wing crazies are running scared, arguing that the "security" we experienced under President Bush (never mind 9/11) will be compromised. This is usually followed by some bedwetting and the assertion that the "terrorists will return to the battlefield ... because they've done it before."

Two points (and this is how you answer the crazies).

RIGHT WING CRAZY: We didn't experience an attack after 9/11, so we must keep President Bush's policies in place.
RESPONSE: While there is a correlation between the sun rising and the rooster's crowing, the rooster doesn't get credit for the sun coming up.

This will no doubt be followed by the unsubstantiated claim that the terrorists will return to the battlefield, like this one.

RIGHT WING CRAZY: "Terror suspects who have been held but released from Guantanamo Bay are increasingly returning to the fight against the United States and its allies, the Pentagon said ..."
RESPONSE: Bush Department of Defense data, and their previous reports, are both contradictory and don't suport the cases cited by public officials.

Don't believe me? Here's the evidence.

- Mark

UPDATE: The Crazies will no doubt jump on this NY Times story of released Guantanamo detainee Said Ali al-Shihri joining a Yemeni al Qaeda group. Here's the problem. We released the guy to the Saudis, where al-Shihri escaped after entering a terrorist "rehabilitation" program.

As my daughter would say, "Hellooo ... we released him to the Saudis?".

Here's another issue to ponder, which wasn't mentioned in the article: Was al-Shihri tortured during interrogation? This is important to know because if he was it could mean that George Bush's tactics have created a hornet's nest for future generations to deal with.

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