Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Wow, my vote for Obama is already looking good. Hilary Clinton's team just accepted an offer from FOX News to participate in a presidential debate.

I don't know how many times this needs to be said but FOX News is not an impartial news outlet, and shouldn’t be granted a forum like this, let alone by Hilary Clinton.

Let’s review …

1. LEGAL LIES: FOX News went to court and secured the legal right to distort the news.

2. MANIPULATING THE NEWS CYCLE: Rupert Murdoch admits FOX News tried to manipulate the news on Iraq.

3. FOX BILE-SPEWING FEST OVER DEMOCRATS: This FOX News piece on the economy turned a into Wingnut bile-fest over Democratic candidates.

4. IGNORE FACTS: During their bile-fest, FOX deliberately ignored Wall Street’s record under Democratic administrations.

5. SMOKE & MIRRORS: FOX News incompetence, bias and/or deliberate attempts to obfuscate the truth, all in one place. Check out these headlines and rolling subplots

* Libby Found “Not Guilty”
* “Civil War in Iraq: Made up by the Media?”
* “Reid: Did Dems Ignore Foley e-mails to Preserve Seats?”

6. CHRIS WALLACE LIES SCRUBBED: John Kerry catches Chris Wallace in a lie, which FOX transcribers then scrub/edit from the transcripts.

7. IGNORE FACTS, II: Paul Begala explains how FOX News continued to run with a story even after the main figure (Paul Begala) informs them there’s nothing to the story.
There’s more, but I’ve got some projects to work on.

It should be clear, however, that FOX News lies and distorts in ways that support the republican agenda. Do an interview if you must, but Hilary Clinton should not validate FOX News with a presidential debate. I hope Obama holds out.

- Mark

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