Thursday, January 17, 2008


You would think that being home to 15 of 19 of the 9/11 hijackers AND Osama bin Laden, PLUS being the center of petroleum policies that have led to the tripling of gas prices in the U.S., might push our President to stand up for America. Think again.

Proving that American consumers are not his constituency, and that democracy in the region is really just a smoke and mirrors side show, President Bush wrapped up his failed Middle East "good will" tour with a strong embrace of medieval-like Saudi oligarchs. In spite of being led by a corrupt and democratic-challenged family, President Bush felt no need to push a democracy agenda with these tyrants of the Middle East, even signing off on a $20 billion arms deal for the country.

Well, at least we still have our military bases in Saudi Arabia ... just in case ... uh, wait ... Oh, never mind.

- Mark

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