Friday, January 25, 2008


We already know that tax cuts for the rich do little but add more debt to our nation’s financial ledger. So the real question is, Who Ultimately Pays for the Tax Cuts?

In testimony before House Ways and Means Committee, Brookings Institute scholar Jason Furman presented a nice matrix that helps explain who benefits and who pays for Bush's tax cuts under different scenarios. To make a long story short, whether we pay for Bush’s tax cuts by raising taxes (now or later), or by cutting services, Bush’s tax cuts achieve one thing: The richest Americans gain at the expense of the vast majority of Americans.

Put another way, the tax cuts are a massive transfer of wealth from the ‘have-nots’ to those who already ‘have.’ Nice.

Oh, an added 'benefit' is that we now owe trillions more in national debt. Jesus must be proud.

- Mark

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