Wednesday, January 23, 2008


“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Let’s recap.

In 1980 Ronal Reagan said if we cut taxes on the rich we would have more money to pay down the national debt. And "Reaganomics" was born.

1980 National Debt: $ 909 billion
1988 National Debt: $2.601 Trillion

In 1988 George H.W. Bush said we had to continue Reaganomics …

1989 National Debt: $2.687 Trillion
1992 National Debt: $4.001 Trillion

In 2000 George W. Bush said we had to cut taxes on the rich …

2000 National Debt: $5.628 Trillion
01-08 National Debt: $9.130 Trillion

After adding $3.5 trillion to the national debt, and creating a recession-primed economy with his jihad-like tax cut policies, George W. Bush is saying we need still more tax cuts ... you know, to ‘stimulate the economy.’

I think the only thing left to be asked is, At what point do you think Nurse Ratched will show up at the Republican Fun House?

- Mark

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