Monday, December 3, 2007

THE SURGE ... In Homeless Iraq-Afghanistan War Vets

This is one of those uplifting stories that make you want to call one of Bush's war mongers to ask if they have a spare bedroom (not that it would help). And just in time for the holidays …
Experts who work with veterans say it often takes several years after leaving military service for veterans’ accumulating problems to push them into the streets. But some aid workers say the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans appear to be turning up sooner than the Vietnam veterans did.

“We’re beginning to see, across the country, the first trickle of this generation of warriors in homeless shelters,” said Phil Landis, chairman of Veterans Village of San Diego, a residence and counseling center. “But we anticipate that it’s going to be a tsunami.”
I wonder how many conservative groups and Bumper Sticker Patriots are losing any sleep trying to solve this problem. See the complete story here.


  1. Well, this should have been for seen. It is not the same as the Vietnam war, I will not even begin to address the issues. However in many ways it is the same. the soldiers this time are being mistreated by the very services that they gave so much for. The public can be in disagreement about the war. unlike the other wars we do not have the infrastructure with in he infamous "VA," to meet the needs of the traumatized souls. And you cannot tell me that war does not traumatize the soul. I have worked in the Health care field for years. It was well known that the Va was the last resort for veterans. It is a disgrace that we do not have a program that encompasses the needs of the returning warriors and non-warriors who are part of the military. The government just cuts them loose to fend for themselves. this s the disgrace that we (society) needs to address. the numbers of suicides (which is higher among female vets is unacceptable. This was predictable. Not to mention those who cannot find a job or hold a job, when they do find one is this (robust economy). We need t get real and give these men and women their compensation and our gratitude for doing what they where trained to do, despite our disagreements on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Which it seems that the Iraqi vets are having the more difficult time. We should be ashamed that we have let these young men and women down. We send them into a war, in Iraq for no reason, other than the motives of those in power. You may disagree with me that is fine, but I dare you to disagree with me that we are not taking care of the fine young men and women who put their lives and psyches, on the line. If you truly support the troops do something by demanding that your representatives in Washington stop squabbling and obstructing new legislation to take care of these members of our society. Whether you are a liberal, moderate or a conservative, neo-cons need not apply, write to your legislative representatives and demand that we support our troops with more than a magnetic yellow ribbon.

  2. Well, this should have been for seen. It is not the same as the Vietnam war, I will not even begin to address the issues. However in many ways it is the same. the soldiers this time are being mistreated by the very services that they gave so much for. The public can be in disagreement about the war. unlike the other wars we do not have the infrastructure with in he infamous "VA," to meet the needs of the traumatized souls. And you cannot tell me that war does not traumatize the soul. I have worked in the Health care field for years. It was well known that the Va was the last resort for veterans. It is a disgrace that we do not have a program that encompasses the needs of the returning warriors and non-warriors who are part of the military. The government just cuts them loose to fend for themselves. this s the disgrace that we (society) needs to address. the numbers of suicides (which is higher among female vets is unacceptable. This was predictable. Not to mention those who cannot find a job or hold a job, when they do find one is this (robust economy). We need t get real and give these men and women their compensation and our gratitude for doing what they where trained to do, despite our disagreements on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Which it seems that the Iraqi vets are having the more difficult time. We should be ashamed that we have let these young men and women down. We send them into a war, in Iraq for no reason, other than the motives of those in power. You may disagree with me that is fine, but I dare you to disagree with me that we are not taking care of the fine young men and women who put their lives and psyches, on the line. If you truly support the troops do something by demanding that your representatives in Washington stop squabbling and obstructing new legislation to take care of these members of our society. Whether you are a liberal, moderate or a conservative, neo-cons need not apply, write to your legislative representatives and demand that we support our troops with more than a magnetic yellow ribbon.
