Sunday, December 23, 2007


John Edwards has a pretty good blog on health care in America. Specifically, Edwards responds to Bush’s challenge that before we “start griping about the health care system here... compare it with other systems around the world.” Here are some of the lowlights …
• In 2000, the World Health Organization (WHO) did a comparative assessment of the health systems of 191 countries and found that in terms of the five measured performance indicators, the U.S. ranked 37th.
• In 2002, the U.S. spent more on health care per person than other industrial countries like Britain, Canada, France, and Germany.
• In 2006, unlike the other industrial countries that have universal health care systems and insure everyone, the U.S. is shown to have over 47 million Americans who lack health coverage.
• In 2007, we learned that in Bush's own home state, one out of every four Texans is uninsured. Said another way, 25% of the population of Texas are unable to access any of lifesaving services contained within Bush's fabulous system.
There's a lot more. The links are especially good. Citizens’ Health Care Working Group also has an excellent site detailing problems that George Bush doesn’t seem to understand.

- Mark

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