Tuesday, September 10, 2013


How people manipulate language to convince others of things they shouldn't believe (Information is Beautiful).

The world's biggest ship, and what it will hold (Bloomberg).

Russia issues travel warning to its citizens about United States and extradition (NY Times).

Liberation Theology finds new welcome in Pope Francis' Vatican (Religion News Service).

Our Evolving National Security State
Nice. Florida man murders two neighbors in public then cites 'Bush Doctrine' and 'Stand Your Ground' laws as his defense. Worse, his lawyers are building a legal defense around the argument (AATP).

The NSA can access anything on your iPhone, Android, and Blackberry (Talking Points Memo).

An all powerful military isn't what it used to be (Bloomberg Business).

On the fence about Syria? Read this (Truth Out).

Health and Your Intelligence
Life expectancy has more than doubled over the past 150 years. Why you're not dead yet (Slate).

In U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, Poorer Health we learn why the U.S. is so unhealthy and why we don't have the best healthcare in the world (National Academies Press, 2013).

Eleven intelligence killing products that we consume, which you should avoid (Fitnea).

Speaking of intelligence, check out the brain training program that claims to make you significantly smarter (How Life Works).

Stuff Tied to the Economy
Happy Anniversary Wall Street ... they're back to the same old games too (Robert Reich).

The financial crisis and the myth of the second Great Depression ... or, the prospect of a second Great Depression was not a warning in 2008, it was a threat from the bad guys who continue to hold our economy hostage to their outdated ideas about markets (Truth Out).

The 20 best and worst states for pension funding (Think Advisor).

It's the middle class, stupid ... they are the real job creators (Robert Reich).

Think Advisor posts on how the 401(k) is not only a poorly designed substitute for traditional defined benefit plans, but is actually exacerbating the gaps between the rich and poor (Think Advisor).

Related, here's what the Economic Policy Institute has to say about growing inequality gap(s) in America. It's not good (EPI).

Secret Swiss accounts are no longer safe for tax dodgers (Bloomberg).

This is why the unemployment rate is less relevant than ever (EPI).

- Mark

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